All can be healed, if desired.
Beyond the GRID is a healing practice that can facilitate healing and advancement along your lifes' path.
This site includes various references, and materials to help you become more familiar with these healing methods and futuristic science.
The primary modailities offered are:
1) 'Reconnective Healing'
2) 'The Reconnection'.
3) 'Pineal Gland Activation'
4) 'Spiral Healing'
5) Access Bars Session
Select 'Healing Offerings' link on left to view details.
Office Hours: (all by appointment)
Weekends - Sat./Sun. 8:00 AM - 12:00 (noon)
weeknights Monday - Friday 7:00PM to 9:00PM
Contact Information:
Bruce cell Phone: (774) 641 2923
Reconnection Healing Practitioner ™, Reiki Master, Pranic Healer, Pineal Gland Activator, Hypnotherapist, and an Access Bars Practitioner.
PRACTITIONER Background (Details):
Bruce LaPine - Is a student of Advanced Spiritual knowledge. Has interests in Quantum Information (QI) and subtle energies. He holds an Electrical Engineering (EE) and a Bachelor and Master degree in Computer Science (BS/MSCS). He also has a Ph.D. in the field of Information Systems (IS). His dissertation is titled: A Quantum Computing Paradigm for Information Exchange and Information Processing.
Bruce became interested in this type of healing after coming down with Lyme disease in 2005.
Our very own Light Circles - Sept 2, 2007 (Taken by Bruce)